Wednesday, November 20, 2013

New in the Store: Making Tide and Just Noise!

We have two new additions to the store today from the incomparable Eroyn Franklin: Making Tide and Just Noise. Vastly different in execution, they are both amazing works of art and storytelling.

Just Noise is a tiny marvel of intricacy. A dialogue between a couple whose actions speak louder than words, the speech bubbles between them are are cut-out voids, leaving it up to the reader to intuit what is being said a creating a beautifully layered effect as the pages stack on top of each other. This is a must read for not only fans of Franlklin's work but also aficionados of cut paper.

Making Tide, on the other hand, is a departure from Franklin's wordless, high-concept comics. It stands on its own, however, as a testament to Franklin's prowess in many different media. A selection of stories that deal with a trip to Vietnam, the creative process, serious bodily harm, and love, her dreamily painted landscapes and carefully inked characters will draw you in and take your breath away.

Just Noise is a tiny marvel of intricacy. A dialogue between a couple whose actions speak louder than words, the speech bubbles between them are cut-out voids, leaving it up to the reader to intuit their meanings and creating a beautifully layered effect as the pages stack on top of each other. This is a must read for fans of Franklin's and aficionados of cut paper. - See more at:
Just Noise is a tiny marvel of intricacy. A dialogue between a couple whose actions speak louder than words, the speech bubbles between them are cut-out voids, leaving it up to the reader to intuit their meanings and creating a beautifully layered effect as the pages stack on top of each other. This is a must read for fans of Franklin's and aficionados of cut paper. - See more at:
Just Noise is a tiny marvel of intricacy. A dialogue between a couple whose actions speak louder than words, the speech bubbles between them are cut-out voids, leaving it up to the reader to intuit their meanings and creating a beautifully layered effect as the pages stack on top of each other. This is a must read for fans of Franklin's and aficionados of cut paper. - See more at:

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