Thursday, August 27, 2015

Sparkplug Highlight: Golem of Gabirol

Set in the Medieval Middle East, this minicomic tells the story of the love triangle between Zuleicha, her cousin Nusret, and Reb Solomon, a poet and scholar who is revealed to be a sorcerer.  When Zuleicha and Nusret marry, Reb Solomon creates a golem with Zuleicha’s features, bringing it to life by inscribing certain Hebrew letters on its forehead. Each page of the comic is entirely filled with drawing; ink washes, doodles, geometric designs. Panels are either nonexistent or bleed together organically. In retelling the legends surrounding an 11th century scholar and kabbalist, Volozova creates a compelling story about the life-giving and transformative powers of language.

Buy The Golem of Gabirol here!

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