Sparkplug had a blast at the Brooklyn Comics Fest! One of the most fun shows I've ever been to...
It made you feel good to be involved with comics. Sometimes it really hits you how vibrant and alive the comics community/movement is, and this was really one of those times. To be surrounded by a lot of fellow artists, all with really different artistic methods/aspirations/ideas who were all showing their comics that they worked hard on---what a great feeling. The space was so tiny and cozy that you really felt elbow to elbow with all these talented folks. And to have a hall packed with really enthusiastic READERS made you feel like all this work has a real audience, that it's really appreciated and enjoyed. Sometimes you will go to these things and the comics you sell will be met with a perplexed look. But this show, people really seemed to get it already and really wanted to meet their favorite comic creators. A bunch of people wanted to know when Jin and Jam #2 would be out! When IS it coming out, anyway?
Thanks to Gabe Fowler and Dan Nadel for setting up the event. I can't imagine it was easy. Here are some pictures of me and Nate running the booth, and the crowd.
why is nate trying to convince the camera to sleep with him?
I keep trying to come up with some snappy thing to write to make fun of Brooklyn, but nothing's working. Looks like the fest was fun, however.
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